Worth the Wait
Thursday, March 12, 2015
People sometimes think a designer can just “whip up something beautiful” with little or no effort. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Design is a process and there are tried and true steps that must be taken to ensure things happen the way they should.
Even before you call a designer, a great deal of thought should be given to the way you’d like your home to feel when it is finished. What inspires you? Collect some room photos that you like. Jot down a few adjectives that describe how you want to feel when you are living in your new space. Your designer will take the time to probe into the way you live and the way you want to live in the new space and if you’ve thought about this ahead of time, it will help your designer get familiar with you and your desires for the project more quickly
Here are the five “Phases of Design” that your professional designer will follow:
1. “Programming”. This phase is also where we get up and running and your project is organized. We’ll want to define the scope of your project, how you use each room and your goals for each space. A budget will also be created to keep everyone on track.
2. The next step is called “Schematics” during which, we create your space plans, finishes are chosen, etc.
3. Third comes “Design Development”. Drawings and formal presentations are put together.
4. Next will be the “Contract Documents”. Construction plans are completed and include schedules of all elements in the design like electrical and plumbing, etc. Jobs are put to bid, suppliers and contractors are chosen.
5. When all plans are settled upon, we move into the fifth phase known as “Contract Administration” which means the implementation of all planning. Procurement schedules are created, orders are placed, construction begins.
All of these phases in the process play a part in the bigger picture. Each should be executed carefully with the end result in mind. So, although it would be nice to “whip up something beautiful”, it really takes a skilled professional to guide the client and the project to a successful conclusion.
Talianko Design Group offers several FREE eBooks on popular design topics including 30 Interior Design Tips for Luxury Homes. Click here to download yours today!