Fourth of July Pet Safety Tips
Thursday, June 16, 2016
The 4th of July is a time of celebration, but it’s also important not to forget out furry friends in the festivities. The noise from fireworks can frighten dogs or even cause them to flee. In fact, more dogs are lost on the 4th of July than any other day of the year. Here are some tips to help keep you pet safe and happy this Independence Day.
• Keep pets indoors with windows and doors closed.
• Play music to help cover the noise of Fireworks (Through a Dog’s Ear CD or classical music).
• Don’t take your dog to the Fireworks display. The sounds and smells are too intense for them and not enjoyable.
• If you are home, do an activity that your dog enjoys and will take their mind of the noise outside (hide and seek, training cues, tug, fetch, etc.).
• Give dogs a bully stick or chew toy to help occupy their time.
• Before the festivities, tire your dog out by exercising them.
• Use calming spray or oils (Rescue Remedy, Calming Chews, Lavender Calming Spray).
• If your dog already uses a Thundershirt, put this on them (the Thundershirt should be put on a few days prior to the 4th in order for your dog to acclimate if they haven’t used one before).
• If you are having the party, make sure to keep human food and adult beverages out of your pet’s reach. Keep pets in a safe area of your home away from the doors that lead outside.
• Make sure your pet has updated ID tags on and they are secure on the collar.
• If your pet runs away, search the kennels of your local shelter and post signs. PHS’ website,, is updated hourly so that lost animals may be quickly reunited with their owners.