Why Dinner Table Conversation Matters

Monday, June 6, 2016

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There has been a lot of research showing the benefits of spending dinner time together as a family, and the conversations that occur around the table are vital to helping children become successful adults and productive citizens in society.

As parents, we have a responsibility to prepare our children for the world, and a career in which they will succeed. Dinner table conversations help families connect on a regular basis and this activity reinforces positive values and a support system for each family member. Dinner conversations that are positive and productive can help keep your entire family happier and healthier, with each member having more self esteem and the tools needed to succeed in life.

Consider the values and lessons that you want to impart during the dinnertime conversations. This may require a little planning but it can be very beneficial.

Talk about careers, current events, and a wide range of other topics in order to widen your kids’ horizons along with all of the opportunities that are possible.

Provide support by making sure that each family member is engaged in the conversation. Keep discussions respectful and the topics fairly light. Encourage questions and discussions from every family member.

To help the conversation along, Tanager Housewares has TableTopics conversation starters that fascilitate these beneficial connections with family and friends! With 135 thought-provoking questions in each cube, you can expect a fun time breaking the ice or discovering new things about oneself and each other!

For more colorful conversations about gift inspirations and modern housewares, visit Tanager Housewares at 2156 Huntington Drive in San Marino. Call (626) 284-8154 or visit the online store at www.tanagerhousewares.co.