Why Go The Hardwood Route?

With all the flooring options available, it's all a matter of preference which one to choose. Here we discuss the benefits of hardwood.

Friday, October 24, 2014

If you were to choose between two, say, tables, which would you choose? The plastic one or the wooden one? If you’re like most Americans, you’d most likely choose the wooden table. There’s something about wood that exudes class and elegance.

When it comes to flooring, you won’t be faced with a simple choice however, especially with all the types of floorings available today. But when it comes to hardwood flooring, one cannot ignore how beautiful and elegant it is compared to others.

The one thing about hardwood flooring that causes most people to look towards other options though is the price. Despite being the most expensive among the most common flooring options, hardwood has its advantages and benefits that outweigh the initial premium of its price.

The benefits and advantages? For one, hardwood lasts for decades. Other options may last for years, but would need eventual replacement, which means additional costs. But with hardwood, with just minimal maintenance, your initial investment can last a lifetime. That’s a one-time fee for forever flooring folks.

Talking about minimal maintenance, hardwood flooring is also very easy to clean. Muddy shoes? One mopping and it’s all good.

Another reason to go hardwood is that it is more hygienic. Other floorings may be dust magnets or use harmful chemicals that can affect kids, but with hardwood, you won’t have the same aromatic problems. And though you can say the same for stone and tile floors, there’s something about wood that makes a home feel warmer.

Hardwood floors are also great insulators, staying cool in the summer and warm in the winter. In fact, just one inch of hardwood has the same insulation properties of 15 inches of concrete. Yay for nature!

Aesthetic-wise, hardwood makes a home look classy and elegant, but more so than that, it is also highly customizable. You can create custom patterns using different types of wood, create massive works of art using wooden tiles, vary the tones and color for each room, etc.

In short, hardwood floors need not be a single color or pattern and how it ends up looking like depends on your own creativity.

In all, it all depends on what you personally prefer. Some like the coziness of carpets, while others enjoy the 60’s vibe of linoleum. Some may enjoy the cool stone tiles and its unique textures, while others think marble flooring is best. But despite your personal preferences, hardwood is always worth a look.

Homeowners looking to hardwood-ify their homes, you can call Sav-On Carpet & Drapery Co. for a free estimate at (626) 795-8045.

Though Sav-On is known for its carpets, company also specializes in hardwood floors. To find out more about Sav-On’s range of services as well as samples of hardwood floorings, visit http://floorsandshutters.com or you can drop by at 3740 E. Foothill Blvd.

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