Foss Termite Control Makes Your Home Livable Again

Friday, October 24, 2014

Nothing bugs Robert Teal.

Since his father bought the family business in the mid 80s, bugs have been good to him, as well as the family.

Robert’s grandfather had also an extermination business, so when his father passed away 12 years ago and left his own business to Robert and his sister, Robert picked up the sprayer and carried on the family tradition.

In fact, the original Foss Company was started in Pasadena in 1903, Robert remembers. It’s a proud family business.

“It’s something I grew up around,” he said recently. “I worked with my dad during summers, since I was about 8 years old.”

“We work in a lot of tight spaces,” said Robert, “I did once come face to face with a skunk under a house!”

We’re sure both backed away very slowly.

Foss Termite control handles a range of services from inspections to treatments and repairs, as well as fumigations. The company also handles escrow inspections, so when a home is sold, Foss is called in to make sure the coast is clear. Termites can destroy a home from the inside out, causing major structural damage to a home, and lowering its property value.

“Often the lender will agree to take care of any necessary termite work, so they call us. We also do annual inspections with homeowners to inspect and treat the property,” Robert explained.

There are actually three areas of pest control in the state, says Robert.

“The first area is fumigating, where houses are tented and pests eliminated,” he explained. The second area is General Pest, which is where bedbugs would fall into, and Wood Destroying organisms, which is Foss’ main area of expertise. That includes structural repair, localized treatments, and fumigation, which Foss contracts out.

The company also handles moisture DryRot repair caused by fungus.

And Robert can also confirm that yes, there is in fact, a Pest Control season, so to speak.

“We’re busiest from April to about October or November, and then we slow down in the winter” he explained. “It goes along with home sales.” And though there are actually “swarming seasons” in the spring and fall, his business is more likely affected by the pattern of home sales.

For more information, contact Foss Termite Control at (626) 792-4154 or visit

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